First full month of PVR usage


So ignore the amount for “Sold”, as that is calculated at 50% of “Generated”, which means it’s higher than reported above – about £22.50.

Need to add in the standing charge of £3.70 to the “Total Purchased”, the app cannot handle that.

Probably should mention I’m on a green tariff which means a higher unit rate when buying electricity – so reduces some of the cash return.

Guesstimate is a cash “profit” of £26.76 for April.

Based on the current figures and system price looking like just over seven years to pay for the installation costs. Which because of some bells and whistles I added are a bit higher than the norm.

3-Sep-2023: Well coming up on nearly ten years of use. Panels are all still working and, despite the moss, are still hitting the original peak generation of 2.36kW. The FIT payments continue and are at 89.39% of the initial installation cost, so given the reduction in the bought electricity we are into the nett gain position; when that occurred I don’t really know for certain and possibly couldn’t work out as any excess generated is mostly used on site to heat the hot water, the original estimate of seven years was probably close.

Enphase overview.

The next two are from the Ellios4You application. Ignore the Consumption numbers in the second picture a software error caused them several years back. The cash figures are also wrong as the app only allows one rate to be entered, so only the kWh figures are close to being correct.

Lifetime usage as a pie chart/
Lifetime consumption and production.